Richard C. Hoagland |
Recipient of the Angstrom Medal for excellence in science, 1993. Former Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science, Springfield, Mass. Former Science Advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. Science contributor to magazines such as OMNI, ANALOG and SCIENCE DIGEST. Co-ordinator of the idea for the interstellar message plaque on the Pioneer spacecraft. Author of The Europa Proposal, a theory of the possibility of organic life on Europa, Jupiter's second moon. Consultant to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, 1975-1980. Organizer of the Independent Mars Investigation (1984) and the Mars Investigation Group (1986) and The Mars Mission (1988), and The Enterprise Mission (1996). Author of The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever (1987-1994).